Programmer’s Proverbs: A Github repo with wisdom about life gleaned from programming

From the website:

Programming and development often teaches one wisdom that cannot be attained elsewhere. Coding and programming, as some have said, is a way of life, not just job. When you are a coder, that is a big part of who you are at work and outside of work. So, let’s come together, and put down our wisdom for future generations to see and learn from.

MDwiki: Javascript/HTML 5 CMS/Wiki that runs on the client!

Ya’ll know how I like my Markdown. Markdown and wikis. Like chocolate and peanut butter.

From the MDwiki webpage:

MDwiki is a CMS/Wiki completely built in HTML5/Javascript and runs 100% on the client. No special software installation or server side processing is > required. Just upload the mdwiki.html shipped with MDwiki into the same directory as your markdown files and you are good to go!

Article: DRYer Ruby Class Definitions w/ Struct

Ruby logo

From the article:

Many web developers subscribe to a principle know as the DRY principle. It translates to Don’t Repeat Yourself. I try my best to adhere to the DRY principle, but sometimes I repeat snippets of code here and there, especially if the footprint is small. Well, today, a coworker showed me a clever way to DRY up some of my “small footprint” repeated code. It’s probably some age-old Ruby technique, but I just discovered it today, and I’m really excited about it! So, I’ll share it.