Tag: static-site-generation
Staticman: Commenting platform for static sites
I’m not sure how I feel about regenerating the site every time someone leaves a comment. I like the idea that comments are stored in plain text along with the rest of the site content without the need for iframes or 3rd party JavaScript.
StaticGen: Compilation of open source static site generators
Middleman: Ruby static site generator for building static websites
Franklin: Ruby static-site framework optimized for online books built on Middleman
Octopress: Blog-aware static site generator built for hackers on Jekyll
Static documentation template for your API using Markdown with support for 50+ languages
Tutorial: Making a Static Blog with Pelican (a python-based static website generator)
Podcast Episode: The Changelog #125 with Jekyll maintainer Parker Moore
Wintersmith: Plugin-based static site generator built on Node.js
Wintersmith tries not to put any limitations on how you work with your content. You can transform it using plugins and structure it as you please.
No special directories or odd metadatafiles, just a directory structure. This means that you can simply throw in your old hand-crafted static site or content from other generators.
Use your favorite templating engine, it comes bundled with a Jade plugin and there is community made plugins for most other node.js templating engines.
Wintersmith also ships with some handy site templates for building blogs & webapps.