lunr.js: JavaScript, client-side, full text search engine inspired by Solr

lunr.js masthead (via)

From the lunr.js home page:

lunr.js is a simple full text search engine for your client side applications. It is designed to be small, yet full featured, enabling you to provide a great search experience without the need for external, server side, search services.

lunr.js has no external dependencies, although it does require a modern browser with ES5 support. In older browsers you can use an ES5 shim, such as augment.js, to provide any missing JavaScript functionality.

MDwiki: Javascript/HTML 5 CMS/Wiki that runs on the client!

Ya’ll know how I like my Markdown. Markdown and wikis. Like chocolate and peanut butter.

From the MDwiki webpage:

MDwiki is a CMS/Wiki completely built in HTML5/Javascript and runs 100% on the client. No special software installation or server side processing is > required. Just upload the mdwiki.html shipped with MDwiki into the same directory as your markdown files and you are good to go!

pjax: Load HTML from server into current page without a full page load, written in Ruby

From the pjax website:

pjax loads html from your server into the current page without a full page load. It’s ajax with real permalinks, page titles, and a working back button that fully degrades.

The idea is you can’t tell the difference between pjax page loads and normal page loads. On complicated sites, browsing just “feels faster.”

Github Repo