etsy/Hound: Fast code search tool written in Go

Stock photo of a bassett hound

From the Hound github page:

Hound is an extremely fast source code search engine. The core is based on this article (and code) from Russ Cox: Regular Expression Matching with a Trigram Index. Hound itself is a static React frontend that talks to a Go backend. The backend keeps an up-to-date index for each repository and answers searches through a minimal API.

swiperproxy: Simple, open source, web proxy written in Python

SwiperProxy runs on efficient Python code to run a self-containing, minimalist webserver. Prefer your own? SwiperProxy plays well and scales with major webservers including Apache, Nginx and Varnish

Only 25 lines of well-documented configuration are needed to run SwiperProxy, yet is fully featured supporting HTTP, HTTPS, blocklists, URL rewrites, logging and more.

Ampersand.js: Highly modular, loosely coupled JavaScript framework

Ampersand.js logo

From the Ampersand.js website:

Imagine a version of Backbone.js where each piece (model, view, collection, etc) is its own GitHub repository and npm module with good, unified documentation (and yes, npm is wonderful for frontend code).

There is no “core” module. You npm install only what you need.

Great podcast interview with the creator of Ampersand.js