DynJS: an ECMAScript (JavaScript) runtime for the JVM

From the DynJS website:

  • DynJS comes with a binary that you can use to execute Javascript files on the command line.
  • DynJS can be embedded into an existing Java application to provide JavaScript scripting abilities from your Java projects.

Command Line

$ ./bin/dynjs --help
Usage: dynjs [--console |--debug | --help | --version |FILE]
Starts the dynjs console or executes FILENAME depending the parameters

 FILE      : File to be executed by dynjs
 --console : Opens a REPL console to test small expressions.
 --debug   : Run REPL in debug mode.
 --help    : Shows current screen. Running without parameters also shows this.
 --version : Shows current dynjs version.

$ cat my_app.js
print("Hi! What's your name?");
var sayHello = function(name) {
    print("Hello " + name);

System = java.lang.System;
scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);
name = scanner.nextLine();

$ ./bin/dynjs my_app.js
Hi! What's your name?
Hello Douglas


import org.dynjs.Config;
import org.dynjs.exception.ThrowException;
import org.dynjs.runtime.*;

public class ScriptRunner {
  DynJS dynjs;
  Config config;

  public ScriptRunner() {
    config = new Config();
    dynjs  = new DynJS(config);

  public Object runScript(String fileName) {
    Runner runner = dynjs.newRunner();
    return runner.withSource(new File(fileName)).execute();

  public Object eval(String code) {
    return dynjs.evaluate(code);
