
Image from OneTab site

Yesterday posted a link to
OneTab. OneTab is a Chrome extension that lets you
“convert all of your tabs into a list. When you need to access the tabs again,
you can either restore them individually or all at once.”

The problem this solves for me is

  1. I want certain sites to be accessible.
  2. I don’t want something as permanent as a set of bookmarks.
  3. I don’t want 20 tabs taking up memory on my system.

I’ve been playing around with it and it keeps a record of different tab
sessions. You can combine sessions and drag and drop items between them. You
can also drag open tabs into the OneTab window to add it to a session.

It’s a nice little extension.


At work, we just switched to a new Wiki application for our team documentation:
DokuWiki. So far it has been a pretty big hit. (For a wiki, anyway.)

It has several advantages over our old Wiki app:

  1. It is super easy to install. Drop it on disk, hit the install page,
    configure a few items, and you’re up and running. It’s PHP, so no container
    or application server is necessary.
  2. It is easy to administer. So far, the development team that I’m on has been
    able to administer the DokuWiki wiki ourselves. This makes our operations
    team happy since the old wiki required a bit of care and feeding to upgrade
    and to administer users. With DokuWiki, user admin is really easy.
  3. The syntax is simple and readable as text. I’m a big Markdown fan
    myself so I installed a Markdown plugin to allow me to create some pages in
    the format, but the rest of my team is using the vanilla DokuWiki syntax,
    and they seem to like it.
  4. It supports namespaces. The namespace support is not quite as intuitive as
    I’d like, but it’s simple enough for us to have figured it out. I don’t
    expect us to mave many namespaces, but it’s nice to be able to create a new
    space if another team in our department wants their own corner of the wiki.

DokuWiki screenshot

Mirror your Android Device’s Screen on your PC

I was going to be on a conference call where I needed to show my Android Phone’s
screen. I was already sharing my PC’s screen. The last time I did this by
pointing a webcam at the phone, but the screen was pretty hard for call
participants to see. (Especially with my sausage fingers in the way!)

I found a nice solution to the problem. I used androidscreencast to mirror
my phone’s screen so that folks on the conference call could see it on my share
PC screen.

androidscreencast screenshot

I came across another Android screencasting app called Android Screenshots and
Screen Capture
, but I haven’t tried it. You may want to check it out.