Tag: ide
Atom: Cross-platform text editor provided by Github and written in CoffeeScript
NetBeans IDE 8.1 Plugin: Cheat Sheets
Link: Supercharging the Atom Editor for Go Development
Nuclide: Facebook developed IDE built on top of Atom
EditorConfig: Tool to help developers define & maintain consistent coding styles between different editors & IDEs
This looks like an alternative to using client-side hooks in your source code repository to format code. EditorConfig plugins exist for the following (No NetBeans!):
- Atom
- Code::Blocks
- Emacs
- Geany
- Gedit
- JetBrain
- jEdit
- Notepad++
- Sublime Text
- TextMate
- Vim
- Visual Studio
- Browser extension for GitHub
The following core libraries exist for writing new plugins:
- EditorConfig C Core
- EditorConfig Java Core
- EditorConfig Javascript Core
- EditorConfig Python Core