Pancake: Static site publisher with Git & DropBox support

Pancake logo

Pancake looks like a good way to create and publish a simple static website.

The Dropbox sync option allows you to edit HTML or plain text in an online interface that generates files using a built in site generator.

The Git push option supports a number of existing static site generators including jekyll, sphinx, and wintersmith. Content is versioned in your git repo, and there are plans to allow hosting on Amazon S3 or Rackspace in the future.

DHC (Dev HTTP Client) – Google Chrome extension to discover, manipulate, & test HTTP REST services

DHC logo

From the DHC Chrome Web Store page:

Easily construct custom HTTP requests, save them permanently, take advantage of variables and contexts.

DHC (aka Dev HTTP Client) is designed and developed by a developer for developers to make direct HTTP resource discovery, manipulation and testing more easily. Beside the main function, sending/receiving custom HTTP requests/responses, it allows permanently to save a request to a local repository for later reuse and moreover the request declaration can include variables that are context specific. With the use of contexts you can easily switch between various environments without modifying request declaration. (e.g. from a test environment to production)

An Introduction to APIs

An Introduction to APIs logo

From the site:

In this course, we walk you through what it takes for companies to link their systems together. We start off easy, defining some of the tech lingo you may have heard before, but didn’t fully understand. From there, each lesson introduces something new, slowly building up to the point where you are confident about what an API is and, for the brave, could actually take a stab at using one.

If you are a non-technical person, you should feel right at home with the lesson structure. For software developers, the first lesson or two may feel like a mandatory new employee orientation, but stick with it – you’ll get your fill of useful information, too.

Servers for Hackers: Newsletter with server management tips for programmers

Servers for Hackers logo

From the signup page:

At some point, every programmer finds themselves needing to know their way around a server.
Servers for Hackers is a newsletter for those times.

This newsletter will cover things like user management and permissions, firewalls, LAMP stacks, apache, nginx, load balancers, proxies, nodejs, ruby, python, php, search engines, automating processes, handling log files, git, deployment, sql, nosql, development environments, provisioning, the list can go on forever!

DuckDuckGo: Search Engine focused on privacy, instant answers & power users

DuckDuckGo logo

This is my main search engine now. They don’t collect personal information and they don’t show you different results based on your past searches. The DuckDuckGo algorithm doesn’t seem to be as good as Google’s, but it shows the information I was looking for most of the time and gives me the tools to quickly get to the information when its algorithms fall short. Check out the !bang page for a giant list of search modifiers you can use to customize your searches. I mostly use !google, !images, and !similar.

Article: DRYer Ruby Class Definitions w/ Struct

Ruby logo

From the article:

Many web developers subscribe to a principle know as the DRY principle. It translates to Don’t Repeat Yourself. I try my best to adhere to the DRY principle, but sometimes I repeat snippets of code here and there, especially if the footprint is small. Well, today, a coworker showed me a clever way to DRY up some of my “small footprint” repeated code. It’s probably some age-old Ruby technique, but I just discovered it today, and I’m really excited about it! So, I’ll share it.

Link: What every web developer must know about URL encoding

This article describes common misconceptions about Uniform Resource Locator (URL) encoding, then attempts to clarify URL encoding for HTTP, before presenting frequent problems and their solutions. While this article is not specific to any programming language, we illustrate the problems in Java) and finish by explaining how to fix URL encoding problems in Java, and in a web application at several levels.