Pancake: Static site publisher with Git & DropBox support

Pancake logo

Pancake looks like a good way to create and publish a simple static website.

The Dropbox sync option allows you to edit HTML or plain text in an online interface that generates files using a built in site generator.

The Git push option supports a number of existing static site generators including jekyll, sphinx, and wintersmith. Content is versioned in your git repo, and there are plans to allow hosting on Amazon S3 or Rackspace in the future.

Jekyll: Blog-aware static website generator written in Ruby

Jekyll logo

I’ll probably manage my next blog using a static site generator, and Jekyll is the current front-runner. The Jekyll documentation is quite good.

  • Supports Markdown and Textile markup
  • Uses the Liquid templating engine
  • Blog aware: Supports permalinks, categories, pages, posts, & custom layouts
  • Can import from CSV, Drupal 6, Drupal 7, Enki, Ghost, Google Reader, Joomla, Jrnl, Marley, Mephisto, Movable Type, Posterous, RSS, S9Y, Textpattern, Tumblr, Typo, WordPress, and
  • Free hosting with Github Pages
  • Comes with a built-in development server for local preview